Thanks for this invitation! And thanks for your site here. I've begun a publication where I post my poems and reflections on striving for an attentive, creative life. https://hoppingoffhere.substack.com/

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@augmented man, In lieu of a poem — for now. Just a heart note to you, in deep appreciation for the way your writing always opens up more space. What is truly impressive is your generous reading of each poem shared here, honoring the specificity of each voice. As I am struggling now to write amidst the destruction engulfing our worlds, thank you for this hopeful community building vision🙏♥️

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🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️💪🏻 As we used to say during the 2019 Democracy protests in HK, yes. Add Oil! 加油And we didn’t mean “ drill baby drill” but the fuel of our human spirits and actions!

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Sharon, I hold your heart note gently,

May we continue finding the courage to write through these tumultuous winds, and in doing so, discover again the warmth of community and the promise of what we can build, side by side.

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This is one I wrote in mid May of 2024. I read it, I stumbled upon it today, and it reads, as all things do, as a new perspective that feels much like looking back upon a chapter year just as I begin the next. In a sense, it is a commemoration of the space between us, the last time, the first time, and the next time, and the ever present hope that it will one day realize that it does not exist as an x-y plane, but rather, as a drop of blood, dropped swirling into an ever shifting ocean of perpetual motion. In order to stay afloat in any flood, you have to be willing to become the water itself, as even the strongest of ships will one day wash ashore like any other driftwood, and become something new. Again

Famine and Fiend

When Famine and Fiend


At The Feast,

Each recounted their efforts

From greatest, to least.

The Fiend, deftly grasping at

Straws to do lines

Of the last one it crossed

To invade the sound mind.

While The Famine explained

What succumbed to its will,

Was withdrawal of the brain

from a powder or pill.

When examined at depth

That has known ocean floors,

Fiend looks just like Famine;

Both dying for “More.”

Yet the inverse of that,

Undefined by a name

For the sick fearful lust that began as a game.

In a physical sense:

The inevitable fate

of the weight

of the want

of the thing

that we hate.

Famine and Fiend

Finally clean

Picked the bones

Of the unwary weary ones

They had called home

Ever-driven by want festering into need

That evades principle,

Is mistaken for greed,

Is a plague on the lives of the ones it observes,

While considering which hors d'oeuvres they should serve.

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Lilith, your piece holds a raw view of how craving can devour from within. It reflects on that delicate shift when a want becomes an urgent pull. Truly striking work.

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Today I heard you humming

Your private little hymn

I marvelled you were mine

In the beam of light

As it washed you out

A glow that warmed my eyes

And warmed me from within

This moment

This memory

That moved me so

That I'll miss you


I surely know

Now all I have of you

Is now and then

If I caress you in my mind

The scent and sight returns

I catch a crumb to savour

When I think back on the time

When I heard you humming

Your private little hymn

And I marvel you were mine

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Otto, your lines brightened my day with gentle grace.

They lift the spirit, stirring reflection and gratitude in equal measure.

Thank you.

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I love the “feel” of poetry and the compression of meaning at times. I am working on a collection of poems celebrating all the aspects of yin yang. Here is one called “Meet Yin Yang”:

A hill, any hill

anchored solidly

upon this spinning earth

Its side facing east

yang side

full of light

Its other side

yin side

full of dark

The hill remains

the hill

its shades

its light and dark

defines it

The daily rotation

earth toward sun

reverses the hills

yin and yang

Each side contains

the potential

of its opposite

yin in yang

yang in yin

cycling each day

with earth spin

its base mobile

all in balance

You may find more about me on my blog https://stacesplace.blog/ and my Substack here,

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Thanks for sharing, Mike, this piece beautifully shows how dark and light shape each other, keeping us all in motion and balance

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Not much to say about my poetry. But I enjoy sharing it, and you can find it on my Substack posts, if you're interested or curious........

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Your poetry always warms the heart, Leon. Thank you for sharing!

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Thanks immensely for the response! I’m looking forward to exploring yours…

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Thanks for including me in this community. I'm about to launch my community on Monday and I was cruising the site to feel the vibe when I came across your community ;)

These are a few lines I wrote while thinking about what it means to be connected to everything and how I can relate to that as a (creative) person. It is now my life motto.

"Between the line of my pencil

And the stroke of my brush

There is no difference.

Between the gesture formed by my hand

And what is not yet expressed

There is no difference."

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Between gesture and silence, the essence of all that is unseen flows freely. Beautiful words, Maryan, as if the soul murmurs through the void.

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Thanks for your comment!

I think striving for that is the growth path of “living beings with reflexive minds” ;)

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So beautifully put, Maryan! It warms my heart

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Am writing a haiku book….slowly!

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Haiku remind us with their brief crisp wordings, that we are merely visitors on our swirling planet Earth

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Thank you for your thoughtful reflection, Terry

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My original poem

Out my window

Ice held tree

Captives of the season

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I am reading at the moment a number of poets. Fleur Adcock, Abigail Parry, Fiona Bennett, Sylvia Plath, DH Lawrence and listening to various Poetry Podcasts

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Poetry enriches our shared language and thoughts—thank you for sharing, Charlie

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I totally agree with you. I love the feeling I get when I lock into a poem and relate genuinely to its emotional resonance. Thanks so much for replying.

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Thank you for this opportunity to share my work and read the truly lovely words of other writers!

I write haikus and free verse in my notes and long form essays and stories in my posts - Ellie Thompson - Everyday Adventures

Soft, sweet waves today

Catching the sun with each rise

Geese swim in a row


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What a lovely and calming piece, Ellie. Your words create such a serene and gentle scene.

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She sits in her room after school

Thinking about how she wished she could be cool

Nobody cared about her

She was just another person, another blur

She hides deep inside

She can't find her way out

She constantly tries

But she constantly fails

Not knowing when this will end

She keeps going

Staying strong for her friends

Hiding her true self

She always comes to school with a smile

But she feels like she's walking miles

Nobody cares

Nobody listens

She screams inside in pain

She won't reach out for help

Her mom slowly dying

But she as well is dying on the inside

She doesn't have a purpose

She is constantly feeling worthless

It feels as if she lives in a circus

Everything and everybody going a thousand miles an hour

But sometimes she wishes she could jump from the tower

Scolding hot showers

To burn away the pain

Chewing gum to feel less hungry

She wishes she wasn't angry

She hates herself

She was only twelve

Twelve and diagnosed with something that isn't scared to affect many others

She's now fifteen

She wants to feel like a queen

But everybody was way too mean

She has a guy that likes her

She is constantly asking why he cares

He said "because I love you"

Those words hit her hard

She has never heard them before

Because her heart was always being torn apart

Depression kills

Anxiety scares

She wishes she was normal

But she will never change

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Charlee, thank you for sharing this deeply moving poem. I am struck by your courage and honesty in illuminating an inner experience so many struggle with yet hide in isolation.

Perhaps within revealing shared frailties lies community's seed; in naming darkness comes light.

Your gift is a gesture of healing.

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Come with me to view the sea

to wonder at its eternity.

We’ll leave our sinking morass

for freedom from class against class.

But the ocean’s beckoning bright

now gives us cause for fright.

The warming waters are rising fast

and our golden coasts cannot last.

Maybe to the hills we go,

avoiding forests with fires aglow.

Or maybe go to the polar climes

warming to pleasant summertimes.

But when life is almost spent

we realize nothing is permanent.

If we could wind back time

could we create monuments sublime?

History hardly remembers and

its errors are but glowing embers.

We will slip from history’s grip

as we embark on dawn’s bright trip.

© 2024 Larry Kilham

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Larry, might I ask - in your envisioning of eternity glimpsed through ever-changing landscape, what thoughts surface on our small yet steadfast role amid impermanence?

Your gentle prompts give much to lift the mind. Thank you for the gift of verse and the gratitude it sparks within this reader.

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In the depths of my entire being

I cling to truth and wisdom

Shivering, flailing, engulfed in hesitation

Tears flood my goose-bumped skin

Mortifying echoes of non-existent

Crying out as my heart beats hard

Against the rib cage received from Adam

Not an appendage to be cast out

But a fruitful, loving, caring human

Who won't be silenced by the noisy crowd

Of MAGAs, or Donald, or JD

It will not be for I stand as a testament to better things

Values, Love, Integrity, and Inclusion instead of

Stolen Valor, Lies, Implosion, and extinguishing of human will

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Dear Lucy Mary Ann, thank you for sharing your poem.

I'm left wondering - as truth contends with crowd-din, how might love's integrity guide the way through inclusion? Conversation, not confrontation, often opens new understandings. Again, thank you for the thoughtful lines - may writing continue to reveal life's deeper meanings.

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I am the arriving.

I am the accumulated swarming of infinite movement delivering me to this single point of evolved profundity.

I, and everything within me is the service and the splendour of countless miracles all within one extraordinary, innefable dance of immaculate proportions.

It takes nothing to arrive here,. Yet I am lead to believe that I am required of, to lift heavy weight and drive myself harder towards an obvious end.

However, I am always at the end, as I am always at the beginning. The only question is, which way do I look? One leads to the inevitable, and the other to that which is no longer available, to that which will never be available again. Lost in the empty, contagious continuum of memory. Sustained only by an attention to it.

I am the arriving and the arrived. I am the becoming and the become. I am the Full Stop, directly positioned and secured in time. I am the Comma, paused and surrendered. I am also the TBC, longing for the the story to continue.


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Mattie, thanks for sharing this poem. It made me think about the bigger questions about our lives, and how we can make the most of the time we have.

I like that you left the poem "TBC," because it's got me thinking about how we can keep the conversation going.

Please continue as inspiration moves you.

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I most certainly will, good man. If you feel prompted to offer me a first line from your creative peophery, then I'd be excited to continue it. Think Mr Squiggle lol 😄

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