I wrote my 1st poem at the age of 53 that was 25 years ago I've now written 3 plays and over 300 poems

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Jeff, It's inspiring that you have been able to develop your writing like that. I feel like I am just starting out and there is so much more I want to learn so the best thing I can do is keep practicing and reading other writer's works.

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It is curious. I fell in love with words after reading the Dick and Jane primmer in 1st grade. Something about the sound of language coming out of my mouth brought great pleasure. I ended up doing lots of theater as a result; 50 years in radio only refined my ear so that when I wrote my 1st poem at 53 , I seemed ready. As Dylan wrote. "I'll know my song well before I start singin'" Poetry and the spoken word nurture me.

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Aug, I am happy to be part of The Power of Poetry community and how you have shown me a new way to think about poetry. Thank you for writing this post.

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I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for your kind words.

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