Can Poetry Truly Be a Profession in the AI Age?
The Daily Rituals of Poets: What Does It Take to Succeed?

How to Reach an Audience in a World of Short Attention Spans
Reaching readers has always been the big dilemma of my life as a poet. How can I ensure that my heartfelt poems, created from my personal experiences and reflecting life, reach people who will appreciate them? In our AI age, when attention spans are shorter than ever, it is an age-old question.
The Art of Submission: How Can Poets Find Their Niche?
The idea of becoming a professional poet – one whose sole income comes from poetry alone – might seem like chasing after wisps on moonlit nights or searching for constellations hidden behind clouds. It appears almost impossible at first glance. But what if there were ways to unravel the mystery?
How to Turn Passion into a Sustainable Living?
Join me, dear reader, as we discover the answers many poets seek and the secrets to turning a love for poetry into a sustainable living. Let's explore together these daily tasks that guide me on this journey toward literary satisfaction.