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The Unopened Poetry Newsletter

The Power of Poetry

Has the power to change me.

It is gentle and firm, like rain that can wash away old stains.

Or even sit and sit like a thirsty man at the edge of a mirage waiting for his cup of water to be filled.

These words will mist into the air, but they will not dissipate — these words will come back to us. The unopened poetry newsletter was shaping something inside me, something I had never felt before: determination or strength or self-respect — or all three? All three are brought together as one great force of nature! So the first thing I knew about this poem was that its author wanted it to matter, to change the world. So it did.

The unopened poetry newsletter was a note in a bottle thrown out to sea.

It was the sail of a ship destined never to come home again.

It was a message in a bottle,

and the bottle will never be found,

but poetry will live forever.

augmented’s journey
The Power of Poetry
a place to show the world your creativity, your imagination and passion for writing.